
Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Dear 16 Year Old Self

Dear Channing,

I am writing to you from the year 2014. Here are 10 things you need to know:

1. Its not ok to eat 3 corn dogs, a bowl of poppy seed salad, and a bowl of ramen noodles in one sitting. Stop it!

2. You should invest in the Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Google Stocks.

3. Your zits will never go away. You will still have them when you are 24.

4. Boys are stupid. Forget about them and be the indepentdent woman you are.

5.  Quit watching cartoons and learn a talent.

6.  Quess what!? You are going to state track! Practice hard and run   faster!

7. Don't let those buggers get you down, stand up for yourself. No one should have the ability to hurt you.

8. Exercise more because believe me, what you put in your mouth will catch up with you.

9. Start Bragging that the Colts will win the Superbowl in 2007 ;)

10. Tone it down on the black eyeliner. Yikes!

Love your older and wiser superior self,

Channing Manning

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