
Sunday, January 18, 2009

The Most Essential Ingredient!

Okay so for all of those who don't know me very well, I am a terrible cook.
Every time I attempt to bake something I forget the most essential ingredient.
Such as flour for cookies or baking powder to make something rise.

A few years ago I attempted to make chocolate chip cookies. I made everything just right. I had chocolate chips, the sugar, the mile and water.I stuck them in the oven and a few minutes later I open it and see a piece of tar!! The cookies had spread everywhere and it looked like peanut brittle. It was hard and disgusting looking. As you can see to the right>->->->->
I was soo mad. I thought I added everything. So I tried again and agian and got the same result every time. I followed the recipe exactly. Well I went and asked my mom what I was doing wrong. And she asked "well did you add flour?" Bingo!! Every one knows your suppose to add flour. Everyone but Channing!! Sheesh what a disaster. I haven't made chocolate chip cookies every since.

Well today I decided to make peach cobbler. I put all the stuff in, I had butter, FLOUR, sugar, peaches, and milk. Well I put the mixed up stuff in the bottom and poured the hot fruit on top and stuck it in the oven. 25 minutes later I saw just the fruit. I asked my mom what happened and she asked if I added Baking powder. OOPs. And everyone knows that the baking powder makes the bottom layer rise. EVERYONE BUT CHANNING!! So all I have now is hot fruit with a jelly filling on the bottom, which tastes really gross.
Thats what it looks like now>>>

So in other words don't make me cook or bake anything for any of you. And dear future husband, lets just order take out all our lives and never have me cook. Unless you are a chef of course then by all means feed me!! :0)


  1. Hahahahaha!!!! Brilliant!!!! Channing, that's soo funny.

    You should make your blog have "site feeds" so that parts of it can show up in my Google reader, and on my blog.

  2. Go to you Dashboard, then Settings, then "Site Feed" in the menu bar, then in the "Allow Blog Feed" section, click "short". If you want

  3. hahahaha. i was laughing really hard while i read this. you better learn to cook before you're my roommate. because, i'm just as bad as you are. if that's possible : ) so i guess we're screwed.
